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Call to Artists: Mural at Bridge Viewpoint

Proposal Evaluation Guidelines


PROJECT NAME: Mural at Bridge Viewpoint 




APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, March 18, 2022 at 4pm


TIMELINE FOR COMPLETION:  April 1 to May 31, 2022


BUDGET: $13,000



This Artist Call is for a mural to be painted on a concrete wall at the Bridge Viewpoint, located on the east side of the Tamarac Bridge at the end of 19th Ave. in Campbell River.  The intent is to create a welcoming place on the bank of the Campbell River, where people feel connected to the river and all that it offers. The surrounding parkette will be natural - with trees, native vegetation and a meandering path that leads to the river. To enhance the visitor experience, we are using Salmon as our focus for this parkette. Salmon are essential to the natural environment of the West Coast alongside the social development of this area.  Long touted as the “Salmon Capital of the World”, Campbell River is well known for its fishing.  Four kinds of salmon return home to the river, giving nourishment to our entire coast. 



The goal is to make the visitor feel as though they are IN the riveras they enter Bridge Viewpoint. There is a blank 51’ by 14’ concrete wallon the side of the bridge that will be used to reflect the underwater experience and help set this tone for the parkette.  To add to the experience, a QR code will link to filmmaker Eiko Jones’  video trailer, Heartbeat of the River, a powerful and educational 3-minute film about the challenging journey and life cycle of the salmon.  Park design will also include logs, stumps, rocks, gravel, and other salmon-themed public art.



Because this parkette is on the bank of the river, protecting the environment is top priority.  The concrete wall will need to be cleaned and prepped with the environment in mind.  Noxious substances will not be allowed to enter the River.



Maximum Budget Allocation

The budget includes the following: 

·      Artist Fee

·      Paint



  1. Quality - Artistic merit of the artwork proposed

  2.  Consistency with the parameters established in the proposal call guidelines

  3. Appropriateness to the proposed building or site

  4. Technical feasibility – can the work be created as designed? 

  5. Cost feasibility – can the work be created within the budget? 



Professional, emerging, and student artists, as well as artist teams, are encouraged to apply.  This Call aims at diversity and inclusion.  Artists must reside within the Campbell River area, Quadra Island or Cortes Island.



Submissions should consist of:

·     Image of the proposed work in jpeg format

·     Past Visual work: up to 5 images of past work submitted as jpegs.

·     Letter of Interest outlining the intentions of the mural.  One page maximum.

·     Curriculum Vitae



Laurel Cronk: Campbellton Neighbourhood Association Chair






Artists will be contracted through a Standard Letter Contract. 

Artists will need to obtain a Works on City Lands Permit and carry appropriate insurance.


Proponent Performance 

The successful artists may be evaluated throughout the course of the project. Any evaluation will be shared with the artists, with the goal of immediate and permanent resolution to problems and concerns. The City reserves the right to terminate the contract if it is deemed that mutually agreeable remedies cannot be reached. 


Cancellation and The City’s Right to Terminate a Contract 

The City may, at any time during the term of a contract, upon giving 30 days notice, terminate a contract if The City is of the opinion that the services supplied by the artist are not of a standard satisfactory to The City or that the artist no longer has the financial capability to perform obligations under the contract. Further, The City in its sole discretion may terminate the agreement for reasons including but not limited to unethical or criminal activities immediately upon written notice. 



Due to the nature of this project and the possibility that the artwork may be vandalized, artists applying for this project must accept the risk that their artwork may be damaged, altered or removed, and The City is not responsible for maintaining the artwork per the artist’s original intent once it is completed. 


The artists will retain their copyright and moral rights.

The artists will grant The City of CAMPBELL RIVER and CAMPBELLTON NEIGHBOURHOOD ASSOCIATION the following exclusive rights:


(a) Reproduction (including electronic images) for not-for-profit promotion and educational purposes. 


(b) The right to remove the artwork (or sections of the artwork) from the site for the following reasons: 

  • Endangerment of public safety; 

  • Damage (including vandalism) requiring repair or maintenance; 

  • Documented significant adverse public reaction



The artists agree to indemnify and hold harmless The City from any loss or damage, any and all third party claims, demands, actions, legal fees or costs for which the artists are legally responsible, including those arising out of negligence, willful harm, or crimes by the artists’ employees, agents or subcontractors. This ‘hold harmless’ agreement shall survive beyond the term of the artists’ contracts. 

The City will not be liable or responsible for any bodily or personal injury or property damage of any nature that may be suffered by the artists, their employees, agents or subcontractors in the performance of this project, except to the extent of any negligence or misconduct on the part of The City. 

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